Contact Us

    Purchase Related Questions:
    Please check out our FAQs first – they are at the bottom of the homepage.

    Existing Sleep Program Customers:
    At this stage we do not offer private consults for the sleep program. For all Dr Golly Sleep Program related specifics please see the FAQs in your program.

    If your question is not covered in the FAQs
    Please complete the form or shoot us a note at [email protected] and we’ll follow up, please ensure you use the email you made your purchase with so our system can identify you.

    Brand & Social Partnerships
    Please contact: Charlotte Roberts, Head of Marketing at Dr Golly Sleep Program
    Email: [email protected]

    Media & Press
    Please contact: Hannah Cohen at Project Hutton
    Email: [email protected]

    Talent Booking
    Please contact: Dace McLuckie at Aran Michael Management
    Email: [email protected]

    Medical appointments:
    The Dr Golly Sleep Program is separate to Dr Golly’s private practice at Cabrini. For all appointments or patient communication please contact his rooms on (03) 95086040 or [email protected] and they can arrange in person and telehealth appointments. GP referrals here.