Selecting the correct baby formula

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October 27, 2021
1 min read

Once a decision has been made to introduce formula, selecting the best one for your baby becomes the next focus.

As a paediatrician I have to remain brand agnostic

As a paediatrician, I always have to remain brand-agnostic when it comes to medicines, homeopathics and listed pharmaceuticals.

Factors to consider when selecting a baby formula

There are certain factors to consider though, including possible intolerance to cow’s milk or soy – where you may consider a partially/fully hydrolysed (broken down) formula, or rice-based.

There are also regular vs premature formulations depending on your baby’s gestation at birth.

Second-stage formula tins have a higher protein ratio; this can usually be achieved with adequate solids, so there is seldom a need to move to the next stage formula as your child gets older.

Changing formula brands

Whenever you change the formula, there are bound to be changes to your child’s behaviour and dirty nappies. Try to avoid changing too quickly (wean if appropriate) or too frequently.

Given the important link between nutrition and sleep, every part of the Dr Golly Sleep Program contains information on milk and solids.

Learn more about the Dr Golly Philosophy here.

Shop the Dr Golly Sleep Program age appropriate routines here.

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