The perfect book to prepare your WHOLE family for welcoming a new baby
Available online and in-store at all good book retailers

Dr Golly’s new children’s book
is about two things that are core to his philosophy;

Reading your baby’s cues
Involving older children with the new baby

This book is perfect for:

Families with Toddler
Whether they are expecting a new baby or have just welcomed one.

The BEST older Sibling Gift
A copy of this book will go a long way as a gift for a newly appointed big sister or big brother.

Dr Daniel Golshevsky (Author)
Dr Daniel Golshevsky (also known as Dr Golly) is a paediatrician and father of three who has spent years working with thousands of families and their babies. Every newborn is different, but he knows every parent can learn to understand their baby, tap into their innate parenting instincts, and thrive – not just survive – the rollercoaster that is parenting.
Dr Golly’s revolutionary Sleep Programs have helped thousands of parents establish happy, steady rhythms with their babies, with benefits for the whole family.

Cora Muccitelli (illustrator)
Cora is an illustrator and designer based in Surrey, UK. This is her second illustrated book (the first was Dr Golly’s guide to the first four weeks of parenting, Your Baby Doesn’t Come With A Book).
Cora’s illustrations bring warmth and humour to the story and as a mother of two herself, she has drawn from her own experiences to portray the joy (and chaos) of having a baby and toddler!